Rex Ross Web Site Streaming Videos

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"The Definitive Ariel"

(Ariel is the main character in "The Little Mermaid")

Savannah sings "Part of Your World" from
"The Little Mermaid"

Video created by Brian and Catie Ross who noted:

"If you thought the Ariel video circulated a couple weeks ago was good,
you literally ain't seen nothing yet.

Make some popcorn, dim the lights, and prepare to be entertained
(and dare I say touched) at a whole new level!"

January 21, 2013

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1.   Make sure sound is on

2.   Optionally, many videos may be expanded to play full screen. Look for a full screen icon in the lower right corner of the video player while the video is playing.

3.   Once the video starts, you can move your mouse out of the video window and the overlay controls will disappear.

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