Rex Ross Web Site Corpus Christi Hooks Opening Day

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Opening Day for the Corpus Christi Hooks "AA" Baseball Team
at Whataburger Field

The Houston Astros AA Farm Team, the Corpus Christi Hooks, opened their
inaugural season on Sunday, April 17, 2005

The Logo of the New Corpus Christi Hooks AA Baseball team.

The team is owned by the Ryan*Sanders Baseball partnership.

A tour of the stadium is in order the night before opening day.

The "Cotton Club" entry to the luxury boxes.

The pre-opening tour group.

Professional models show off the Texas League map of AA teams.

The professional models trying to talk their way into the team's locker room.

The backdrop setting for the stadium is spectacular.

The center field scoreboard and some of the original cotton presses from the past.

An owner group quality control team checks out the dippin' dots.

Seats behind home plate and the first base line.

Third base line seats and the outfield scoreboard.

The bridge over the Corpus Christi ship channel.

Owner group quality control team tests out the dugout bench.

Checking out the dugout railing to assure that the players don't get sore arms.

The infield and outfield grass looks great.

The opening day ceremony honors some of the many people who made the Hooks and Whataburger Field a reality.

The opening day crowd is 8,500 - pretty good for a stadium that seats 5,500.

The view from the owner's suite is right on top of the action.

A great time was had by all.

The scoreboard operator had extensive training to equip him for the job.

The stadium announcer is very pleased that he was able to pronounce all player names correctly.


Come visit the Corpus Christi Hooks at Whataburger Field.

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