Savannah & Turner Visit the Beach.
May 4-6, 2012
"I know its only 4 A.M. but I'm ready to play!
"Gam! Hurry up with my snack!!"
Where's our driver?
Special Quiz: Can anyone guess what Savannah's favorite color is?
Hint: It's not white.
Making a chocolate chip pie to take home to mommy & daddy.
"I can see this is going to take some serious taste testing!"
My favorite fire truck at Station Number 7.
"I'll show you the best way to eat a fudgesickle, Gam!"

Best Friends
A group nap.
Hot Tubbing!
"We love ice cream cones!"
"How did you get ice cream on your ear, Turner"
Rosie ready to spring into action!
Gam doing Rosie's job.
"But Gam, one more will only make six cones this morning!"