Visiting Channel 11 News
In our continuing effort to keep the Rex Ross Web Site current and relevant, the RR Web Site dispatched a team to
establish a new collaboration with Channel 11 News.
The team consisted of Rex and Adrian Ross, and Richard and Jeanne Domercq.
The Channel 11 News Room
Karen LaFleur, KHOU-TV 11 News Operations Manager welcomes the Ross Web Site
Karen explains the workings of a camera and advises the Ross Web Site Team not
stupid when the red light is on.
Rex admires some of the newsroom equipment, noting that it is much like the Rex
Ross Web Site computer room.
Richard Domercq, Adrian Ross, and Jeanne Domercq observe preliminary editing
the news script for that evening's broadcast.
Richard shows some control room rewiring improvements he has made.
Richard notes that he particularly likes blue wire.
A view of the working newsroom.
Various views of the control room.
Part of the Channel 11 News set.

Adrian provides the glamour as Rex rehearses giving the weather report.
Richard practices his TV smile.
The cameraman was very helpful in showing the Ross Web Site team how to hit
their marks.
Adrian and Rex relax during a commercial break.
Jeanne reporting a news story while Richard continues to practice his TV smile.
Careful editing of the Ross Web Site Team live broadcast is needed.

This console is used by the Channel 11 technical team to watch 14 simultaneous football games each Sunday.
Jeanne and Adrian are pleased with their performances on the evening's news broadcast.
Reviewing the new equipment installed to bring in live, real time readings from the Ross Weather Station in Galveston.
Greg Hurst and Jerome Gray, Channel 11's regular evening anchors show the Ross
Web Site Team where to sit for the next news segment.
Dr. Neal Frank prepares to deliver the weather in front of a special device known as the "Green Screen".
Further research by the Ross Web Site Team failed to identify the source of that
name for the screen.
Adrian and Richard seem to be enjoying Dr. Franks's report.
The camera men at work.
Dr. Frank discusses weather reporting techniques with the Ross Web Site Team.
Anchorman Jerome Gray explains his reporting technique to Adrian.
Greg Hurst and Jerome Gray get a few final pointers from the Rex Ross Web Site
